Based in Hamble

Sue Braniff

It's Nice To Meet You

Hello I’m Sue and welcome to my webpage.

I’m an Independent Travel Business Owner working under the banner of the award winning Travel Counsellors.

I’ve always had a passion for travel and prior to being a Travel Agent myself I was always helping friends and family book holidays. I understand the importance of customer care, attention to detail & excellent communication skills.

Im able to create luxury bespoke tailor-made itineraries together with unique experiences that’s just right for you - saving you time & money as well as offering 100% financial protection.
Whether you prefer a cultural, wellness, activity or beach holiday, Expedition, Luxury Ocean, river cruise, sporting events, honeymoons or a trip around the world I’m here to personally work with you, to fully understand your needs and requirements.

I’ve been very fortunate to have travelled to many amazing worldwide destinations myself with the most unforgettable experiences from white water rafting on the Victoria falls, Safari in Botswana, Angkor Wat an elephant ride at dawn to the temple of Angkor Thom, Petra - one of the 7 wonders of the world, Mauritius, Bermuda, US road trips, Middle East, Caribbean and numerous European city/beach holidays and Ive been passionate about Cruising for over 25 years.

If you’re thinking of future travel plans and don’t know where to start or just don’t have the time, please get in touch & let’s start planning your personalised travel experience together.

Think of me as your very own travel genie ready to grant your travel wishes with a sprinkle of enchantment!!



Contact Me

Whatever your holiday needs I'm here to help you, so simply give me a call or send me an email with your contact details on and I can get things started for you:

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